• Un rapport prône la légalisation du cannabis

    Swissinfo (Switzerland)
    Mardi, 8 avril 2014

    smoking-jointLe cannabis devrait être légalisé. Telle est la recommandation de la Coordination politique des addictions (CPA). Elle préconise une régularisation du marché pour éviter le trafic de drogue dans les rues et ses conséquences, notamment sur les jeunes. "La guerre contre la drogue a échoué", a déclaré la présidente de la CPA Marina Carobbio. La coordination propose par conséquent dans son rapport des formes alternatives de régulation du marché pour la Suisse. Une politique qui "coûterait moins cher à l'Etat et amènerait plus de sécurité à la société". (A lire: Position générale « Régulation du marché en matière de politique des drogues »)

  • Cannabis: Les cultivateurs sortent du guet

    Le PAM en mobilise plusieurs à Bab Berred: Au menu, la légalisation du cannabis et une grâce générale
    L'economiste (Maroc)
    Lundi, 7 avril 2014

    morocco bab berred 2014Le PAM a réussi à réunir les cultivateurs de cannabis de la région de Bab Berred. Des centaines de personnes, liées à la culture de cette plante sujet de polémique, se sont rassemblées dans une tente caidale dressée pour l’occasion à la sortie du village de Bab Berred, non loin du poste de la gendarmerie de la région. Dans l’assistance, des propriétaires ou de simples ouvriers agricoles travaillant les terres cultivées par le cannabis. Pour les agriculteurs qui ont pris la parole, il s’agit de sortir la région tout entière de la peur. Selon certains d’entre eux, la culture de cannabis est la seule source de revenus, mais aussi des tracas et de chantages que subissent les habitants de ces régions. (Lire aussi: Dans les régions du cannabis – sur la piste des 48.000 wanted)

  • Guatemalan president eyes drug legalization proposal in late 2014

    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    amapola-guatemalaGuatemala could present a plan to legalize production of marijuana and opium poppies towards the end of 2014 as it seeks ways to curb the power of organized crime, President Otto Perez said. Perez proposed drug legalization after he took office at the start of 2012, buy has yet to put forward a concrete plan. Instead, a government commission has been studying the proposal, and recommendations are expected around October. Measures could be presented at the end of the year, including an initiative for Congress to legalize drugs, in particular marijuana, and the legalization of the poppy plantations for medicinal ends.

  • America’s new drug policy landscape

    Two-thirds favor treatment, not jail, for use of heroin, cocaine
    Pew Research Center (US)
    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    us-opinion-marijuana-pew2014Public opinion in the US appears ready for a truce in the war on drugs. A national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that support for the legalization of marijuana use continues to increase. Fully 75% of the public think that the sale and use of marijuana will eventually be legal nationwide. Just as most Americans prefer a less punitive approach to the use of drugs such as heroin and cocaine, an even larger majority (76%) think that people convicted of possessing small amounts of marijuana should not have to serve time in jail.

  • DEA chief: Marijuana legalization just 'makes us fight harder'

    The Huffington Post (US web)
    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    fire-michele-leonhartFar from being discouraged by shifts in public opinion, state laws and even within the Obama administration on the legalization of marijuana, federal drug agents are driven to "fight harder," said Drug Enforcement Administration chief Michele Leonhart. Leonhart, who criticized President Obama for comparing marijuana to alcohol during a closed-door meeting, suggested that voters in Washington state and Colorado were duped into legalizing marijuana. The Marijuana Policy Project is calling on the president through a Change.org petition to fire Leonhart.

  • Patients still waiting to see benefits of 2013 law on medical marihuana

    The first home-grown marihuana could be available in the late summer or early autumn of this year
    Radio Prague (Czech Republic)
    Tuesday, April 1, 2014

    med-marijuana-dispensaryWhen the law on medical marihuana came into force in February of last year it seemed that the way was now open for patients suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases to use the drug under medical supervision without having to acquire it secretly in violation of the law. However, despite the good intentions of MPs who pushed through the legislation, little has changed in the past year and cannabis remains unavailable legally.

  • There's simply no case for banning khat

    The Guardian (UK)
    Monday, March 31, 2014

    Khat is as potent as a strong cup of coffee and has no organised crime involvement – yet the government wants to spend £150m on a ban that would create far more severe problems. When the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, the government's expert advisors, were asked to consider khat, they said that it would be "inappropriate and disproportionate" to ban it. The cross-party home affairs select committee, on which I serve, produced a unanimous report opposing a ban. And yet the home secretary plans to do it anyway.

  • Non-psychoactive CBD oil made from marijuana plants poised to be game-changer

    Colorado innovation could open doors in other states, but some remain skeptical
    The Denver Post (US)
    Sunday, March 30, 2014

    A Colorado marijuana innovation is changing the way lawmakers in even the most conservative parts of the country talk about cannabis and is poised to create a rapid expansion in the number of states that have legalized marijuana in some way. But many marijuana advocates view the new political campaign with skepticism, fearing it could halt their movement's momentum. Taken to its logical conclusion, medical marijuana could be a "box canyon" for broader legalization efforts.

  • Caribbean countries consider loosening marijuana laws

    The Miami Herald (US)
    Saturday, March 29, 2014

    In Saint Vincent and across the Caribbean, marijuana is illegal, yet it is widely used, freely sold and openly puffed. It’s evidence of the shifting attitudes over pot. Now, for the first time, Caribbean leaders — much like a growing number of American and Latin American lawmakers — are considering loosening restrictions to control and capitalize on the popular crop. On the table is everything from decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana for recreational and religious use, to cultivating it for medicinal purposes. In doing so, Caribbean leaders are seeking to transform a seedy, underground economy into a source of taxable revenue.

  • Uruguay to track pot by genetic markers

    Associated Press
    Friday, March 28, 2014

    Uruguay's drug czar says every legal marijuana plant in Uruguay will be registered and tracked using radio frequency tags, and that state-grown marijuana will be cloned to include genetic markers, making sure that what's grown here, stays here. That's a much tougher tracking system than those imposed in Colorado and Washington. Uruguay wants authorities to be able to test the pot in any drug user's possession to determine if it came from a registered, legal source.

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