Items tagged with cannabis

Item title Description
Evaluating alternative cannabis regimes [31.01.2001] Cannabis is the cutting-edge drug for reform, the only politically plausible candidate for major legal change, at least decriminalisation (re ...
Drug Use Criminalization v. Decriminalization [01.01.2001] The present paper focuses on the pros & cons of the main dichotomy in the field of drug control policy: that between criminalization and decriminaliz ...
Therapeutic Use of Cannabis by Crack Addicts in Brazil [01.10.1999] This study ensued from clinical observations based on spontaneous accounts by crack abusers undergoing their first psychiatric assessment, where they ...
Full scope on the War on Drugs [30.04.1998] An elderly cleaning lady enters the huge empty UN aula in New York with her polishing cart, to get the venue spic-and-span for an important upcoming ...
Cannabis use, a stepping stone to other drugs? [31.12.1996] Does smoking reefer lead to using other drugs, in daily practice usually described as cocaine and heroin? Raising the possibility that the answer to ...


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