Tag: regulation
No smoking allowed: An early look inside Malta’s planned cannabis associations
Saturday, 23 October 2021Malta will soon allow people to purchase weed from “cannabis associations”, an exciting step forward for the country’s long-suffering cannabis communities. However, don’t expect these associations to ...
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Is it time to decriminalise Cannabis use in India?
Saturday, 23 October 2021The consumption of Cannabis (Ganja) and its resin (Charas) has been a punishable offence in India since 1985 after the enactment of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act that was ...
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A roundup of countries that permit recreational cannabis
Friday, 15 October 2021Marijuana may be an issue of easy agreement in the ongoing coalition talks between Germany's leading parties. Despite numerous points of contention, the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), neoliberal ...
Labelsgeorgia | south africa | jamaica | germany | canada | coffee shop | netherlands | legalization | regulation | cannabis | portugal | US drug policy | decriminalization | uruguay | mexico -
Three years post-legalization, Canada's cannabis industry ready for a reset
Friday, 15 October 2021Three years after Canada legalized cannabis, the industry appears ready for a reset. When midnight struck on Oct. 17, 2018, Canada became the first developed nation to allow the sale of cannabis for ...
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German SPD health expert calls on next government to legalize cannabis
Wednesday, 13 October 2021Social Democratic Party (SPD) health expert Karl Lauterbach ourged the SPD, Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) hoping to form Germany's next government to legalize cannabis should they come to power. Sp ...
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Cannabis legalisation will allow regulated associations and home growing of plants
Wednesday, 06 October 2021Under proposed cannabis legalisation in Malta, non-profit associations can grow cannabis to distribute among their members, Equality Minister Owen Bonnici said. The minister also said that people wou ...
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Owen Bonnici presents first reading on cannabis reform
Monday, 04 October 2021The minister for reforms Owen Bonnici has tabled the first reading of Malta's government proposed cannabis reform. Taking to Twitter, Bonnici said the bill “will establish a new legal framework gover ...
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Stand for craft: How Canada’s craft cannabis cultivators are pushing for tax reform
Wednesday, 29 September 2021It’s been just three short years since cannabis was legalized in Canada, but it’s already clear the nation’s exorbitant taxation on cannabis cultivators is not only unsustainable; it’s killing craft ...
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Zurich to launch recreational cannabis trial
Tuesday, 14 September 2021The three-and-a-half year pilot scheme, announced on Tuesday, takes advantage of a change in the law that was approved by parliament last year. This allows cities to conduct scientific studies on the ...
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South Africa’s cannabis master plan will finally establish a regulated industry
Tuesday, 07 September 2021South Africa’s new master plan is a bright spark for those dismayed by lawmakers’ previous attempts to reform the country’s cannabis laws. Introduced in 2018, the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill l ...
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‘Protect our local dagga strains from intellectual property theft,’ Parliament told
Wednesday, 01 September 2021The Eastern Cape government is calling for the protection of the local cannabis industry in South Africa. Dohne Agricultural Development Institute research director Dr Mfundo Maqubela said in a virtu ...
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What do you do with a billion grams of surplus weed?
Thursday, 05 August 2021Back in 2018, during those months before Canada legalized recreational cannabis, things were good for the pot industry. Companies were being hyped as pioneers in “the green frontier” and “proof that ...
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Barcelona cannabis clubs face closure in new legal setback
Tuesday, 27 July 2021Barcelona’s 200 cannabis clubs face closure after the supreme court shut a legal loophole that has seen the city become Spain’s marijuana capital. It is the latest in a series of setbacks for the aso ...
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Fact or fable: Will cannabis be Africa’s economic saviour?
Sunday, 18 July 2021In recent years several African governments have changed their stance and implemented policies that legalise cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and processing, mostly for the export market. In south ...
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Will Berlin make good on a promise to legalise cannabis?
Wednesday, 14 July 2021Despite opposition from federal drug regulators, the Berlin Senat is reportedly pushing ahead with a pilot project to sell cannabis legally in pharmacies. The city-state government plans to fight the ...
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Ministerial committee advances cannabis decriminalization
Monday, 12 July 2021Just over a year after the last government passed two now-defunct draft bills to legalize and decriminalize recreational cannabis, the Ministerial Committee on Legislation voted to advance a bill tha ...
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MPs accuse Cannabis Licensing Authority of ignoring small farmers
Thursday, 08 July 2021The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) and the State have been accused of having no real interest in ensuring that small farmers get their fair share of the legal marijuana pie, as pilot cultivation ...
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Licenced marijuana experiment may be delayed: NOS
Thursday, 01 July 2021A Dutch experiment involving the licenced production and sale of cannabis which is due to start this autumn is likely to be delayed, broadcaster NOS reported. Arnhem mayor Ahmed Marcouch has told the ...
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Germany: Cannabis legalization becomes election campaign issue
Saturday, 26 June 2021With watershed elections looming in Germany, some politicians are talking about a new approach to drug control. The opposition Free Democrats (FDP), for whom civil liberties are a major issue, have c ...
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Cannabis médical : aubaine ou mirage économique ?
Friday, 11 June 2021C’est la question qui brûle toutes les lèvres depuis l’annonce du projet de loi 13-21 : quelles seront, pour le Maroc, les retombées économiques de la légalisation de l’usage médical, thérapeutique e ...
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Political parties in Portugal propose adult-use cannabis legalisation bills in Parliament
Friday, 11 June 2021Two political parties in Portugal, Left Bloc and Liberal Initiative, each presented proposals for adult-use cannabis legalisation. The outcome of the debate was an agreement that both Bills be sent t ...
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Why is growing pot so energy-intensive?
Wednesday, 09 June 2021Rolling Stone dubs weed a “climate villain,” as cannabis sold in any state where it’s legal must be grown in-state. Because not every state boasts the year-round warm climate that cannabis thrives in ...
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Morocco's House of Councilors passes cannabis legalization bill
Tuesday, 08 June 2021After several amendments, Morocco's House of Councilors has approved the hotly-debated bill on the limited legalization of cannabis for medical purposes. Morocco's Parliament put Bill No. 13.21, conc ...
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Cannabis divides opinions in Morocco ahead of general elections
Saturday, 05 June 2021As Morocco's 2021 round of elections approaches, the cannabis question is once again on the table. The Moroccan government approved the bill to legalize medicinal cannabis for export on March 11 of t ...
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Congress only has one chance to legalize marijuana the right way
Tuesday, 01 June 2021Congressional Democratic leaders filed a marijuana legalization bill last week aimed at remedying the injustices of the drug war. But my experience as a regulator overseeing the implementation of Mas ...
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Légalisation thérapeutique du cannabis : la Chambre des représentants dit “oui”
Wednesday, 26 May 2021La Chambre des représentants a adopté le 26 mai au soir le projet de loi relatif à l’usage thérapeutique et industriel du cannabis par une majorité confortable, mais inhabituelle. Les groupes parleme ...
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Morocco’s House of Representatives adopts bill on legal use of cannabis
Wednesday, 26 May 2021Morocco’s House of Representatives adopted today Bill 13.21 on the legal use of cannabis for medical purposes. The bill received a majority of votes (199) against 48 votes, who voted no. The Justice ...
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Rendez-vous en juillet pour le cannabis récréatif
Friday, 21 May 2021Le dossier du cannabis récréatif avait été quelque peu mis de côté ces derniers mois, mais le sujet a refait surface à la Chambre. La ministre de la Santé a promis que le débat allait maintenant avan ...
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So, what's the deal with Mexico's cannabis legalization delay?
Thursday, 13 May 2021A month ago, Mexican marijuana legalization seemed like a done deal. The bill was approved by the Senate last November, but greatly modified by the Chamber of Deputies, causing senators to have to gi ...
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Eyeing lucrative profits, Morocco is seeking to legalise cannabis. The main obstacle? Islamist opposition
Thursday, 13 May 2021The stakes for legalising cannabis in Morocco are rising. On 11 March, the Moroccan government approved Cannabis Legalization Framework, Bill 13-21, to regulate medical cannabis and industrial hemp. ...
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Cannabis goes corporate: Lobbyists, unions seek to shape marijuana industry
Saturday, 08 May 2021The rally at the state capitol on April 20, the unofficial holiday for pot aficionados, brought out green-wigged supporters ringed in wisps of smoke. These days, they are far from the only people adv ...
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France should legalise cannabis, says MPs report
Wednesday, 05 May 2021France should legalise cannabis so as to regain control of sales and better protect minors, a group of cross-party MPs said in a report, a finding at odds with the government's tough anti-drugs stanc ...
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Mexican lawmakers fail to legalize marijuana ahead of Supreme Court deadline
Monday, 03 May 2021Mexican lawmakers have failed to meet a Supreme Court deadline to end marijuana prohibition after spending months going back and forth on a legalization bill that passed both chambers of Congress in ...
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Un premier pas vers une régulation du marché du cannabis
Friday, 30 April 2021La Suisse devrait réguler le marché du cannabis plutôt que l’interdire. La commission de la santé publique du Conseil national a donné suite par 13 voix contre 11 et une abstention à une initiative p ...
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Cannabis legalization : The reservations of Moroccan growers
Thursday, 29 April 2021To accompany Bill 13-21, a coordination of cannabis growers and the descendants of farmers met with the parties represented in the Lower House to present a memorandum. It calls for authorizing the re ...
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Maroc : Plaidoyer pour une amnistie des cultivateurs et l’usage récréatif du cannabis
Wednesday, 28 April 2021A la vielle de la promulgation de la loi sur les usages légaux, la Coordination des zones d'origine du cannabis, qui se compose d'agriculteurs et de descendants de cultivateurs de cannabis dans les r ...
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The Future of Cannabis in the Caribbean
Friday, 23 April 2021Two years after the presentation of the 2018 CARICOM report “Waiting to Exhale - Safeguarding our future through responsible socio-legal policy on Marijuana” at the CND, this years’ side event the or ...
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Germany: Greens campaign for legal cannabis on 4/20
Tuesday, 20 April 2021April 19 will go down in German political history as the day Annalena Baerbock was elected the Green Party's first-ever chancellor candidate. Assuming the party is ready to govern, the very next day ...
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After ‘Green Rush,’ Canada’s legal pot suppliers are stumbling
Sunday, 18 April 2021When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government’s legalized marijuana in 2018, a primary goal was to create a more equitable justice system — not a major new business sector. Investors, however, thou ...
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A Sustainable Future for Cannabis Farmers
Friday, 16 April 2021Learn how lessening the barriers for small farmers while raising them for large companies can help to steer legal cannabis markets in a more sustainable and equitable direction based on principles of ...
Labelsmalawi | corporate capture | environment | eswatini | africa | fair trade | st vincent and grenadines | indonesia | south africa | ghana | lebanon | cannabis industry | jamaica | thailand | cannabinoids | morocco | medical cannabis | CND | UNODC | traditional growers | alternative development | legalization | regulation | cannabis | INCB | UN drug control | mexico | colombia -
Cannabis should be legal but controlled in France, says MP
Monday, 12 April 2021Cannabis should be legalised in France and there should be a public debate about it, says the head of a parliamentary committee after a year spent looking into its different uses. The committee’s res ...
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Cannabis bill to be law by 2023
Tuesday, 06 April 2021The possession, cultivation and use of cannabis for private use is expected to be passed into law in two years’ time. The legalisation of the private and commercial use of cannabis forms part of the ...
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New chairman of CLA wants ganja industry to earn maximum benefits globally
Friday, 02 April 2021Reforming the Cannabis industry into one which earns maximum benefits globally, is the goal of newly appointed Chairman for the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA), LeVaughn Flynn. Flynn, who has writ ...
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Pilot trials with cannabis
Thursday, 01 April 2021On 15 May 2021, an amendment to the Narcotics Act permitting pilot trials involving the controlled dispensing of cannabis for recreational purposes in Switzerland will come into force. The trials wil ...
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La culture légale du cannabis, une opportunité écologique
Sunday, 28 March 2021“L’augmentation rapide de la culture illicite de cannabis dans le Rif au cours des dernières décennies, ainsi que les mauvaises pratiques de conservation des sols, ont fait des ravages sur les forêts ...
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Culture du cannabis : Quel impact sur la biodiversité et les ressources ?
Friday, 26 March 2021L'impact de la culture du cannabis sur la biodiversité et les ressources a été au centre d'un webinaire organisé à l'initiative de l'Alliance marocaine pour le climat et le développement durable, en ...
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New York reaches a deal to legalize recreational marijuana
Thursday, 25 March 2021State lawmakers finalized a deal to legalize recreational marijuana in New York, paving the way for a potential $4.2 billion industry that could create tens of thousands of jobs and become one of the ...
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Morocco’s cannabis legalization bill: Translated and annotated
Thursday, 18 March 2021Morocco is legalizing cannabis at a breakneck pace, with its legalization bill likely to receive approval within a month of its conception. The bill, so far only available in Arabic, contains a wealt ...
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Golding pledges to overhaul ganja industry
Tuesday, 16 March 2021Leader of the Opposition, Mark Golding, says Jamaica's ganja industry can assist in the economic recovery of the island, providing much needed foreign exchange and creating employment. Should his par ...
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Ganja growers want meeting with Industry Minister, call for amnesty
Friday, 12 March 2021The Ganja Growers Association Jamaica (GGPAJ) has called for a meeting the Ministry of Industry Investment & Commerce (MIIC) to discuss the issue of ganja growers, their licenses, the impending and l ...