Items tagged with barbados and cannabis

Item title Description
Position Paper of the Fair Trade Cannabis Working Group in the Caribbean [29.10.2020] The Position Paper "For inclusive business models, well designed laws and fair(er) trade options for small-scale traditional cannabis farmers” produc ...
Government plans to fine persons caught with a spliff [15.09.2020] The Barbados Government has announced the coming of a major shift in the Drug Abuse (Prevention and Control) Act. Persons found in possession of minu ...
NCSA keeping 'eye' on marijuana cultivation by Rastas [13.01.2020] The National Council on Substance Abuse (NCSA) has said they will be monitoring closely the new legislation which allows Rastafarians in Barbados to ...
Government passes ganja legislation for Rastafarians, conditions apply [24.11.2019] Government has officially passed legislation to allow the local Rastafarian community to use cannabis, however, those seeking to take advantage of th ...
Rastas to get approval for cannabis use in Barbados [07.11.2019] Rastafarians in Barbados will be permitted to use cannabis for sacramental purposes. The announcement was made during a Sitting in the House of Parli ...
Licences approved as St Vincent's Cannabis industry opens [15.07.2019] St Vincent’s Medicinal Marijuana industry is a go. Over 30 licences have been approved by the Medicinal Cannabis Authority (MCA) for the cultivation, ...
Barbados PM comments on decriminalisation of marijuana [08.12.2018] The Barbados government says it will soon develop a framework for medical cannabis, even as it noted that decriminalisation of marijuana for recreati ...
Review ganja laws [22.09.2016] The Government of Barbados will have to face the fact that more and more Barbadians, particularly young people, are open to the decriminalization of ...