Los estudios efectuados revelan la falta de eficacia de las penas de prisión largas entre las personas que han infringido las leyes de drogas sin incurrir en violencia. Paralelamente, la capacidad del sistema judicial se ve desbordada muy por encima de sus propios límites, lo cual lleva a la lentitud de los procedimientos, a largos períodos de detención preventiva y a la sobrepoblación de los centros penitenciarios. Se han introducido los regímenes de referencia o tribunales especializados en drogas para ofrecer al infractor una opción entre la cárcel y el tratamiento. El principal objetivo es la reducción de la violencia, proporcionando a los infractores no violentos la oportunidad de escapar del círculo vicioso drogas-delito-prisión.

  • Controlling and Regulating Drugs

    A Review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.
    New Zealand Law Commission
    April 2011

    The New Zealand Law Commission was asked to address the efficacy of the Misuse of Drugs Act in reducing the demand for, and supply of, drugs prohibited under the International Drug Conventions. The Commission has recommended the existing Act be repealed and replaced by a new Act administered by the Ministry of Health. Justice Hammond said the thrust of the proposed new Act is to facilitate a more effective interface between the criminal justice and health sectors: “We need to recognise that the abuse of drugs is both a health and a criminal public policy problem.”

    application-pdfControlling and Regulating Drugs: A Review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 - Part 1
    application-pdfControlling and Regulating Drugs: A Review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 - Part 2

  • Alternatives to Imprisonment

    Community Views in Victoria
    Karen Gelb
    Sentencing Advisory Council
    State Governmnent of Victoria
    March 2011

    The Sentencing Advisory Council has released a report on community attitudes towards the use of alternatives to imprisonment in Victoria. The report is based on the Victorian component of a national survey of public attitudes to sentencing, supported by the Australian Research Council. Survey participants were asked about the use of alternatives to imprisonment as a way of addressing the increasing number of people in prison and as a way of dealing with certain types of offenders. The prison alternatives suggested to participants included supervision, counselling, treatment and community work.

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  • Addicted to Courts

    How a Growing Dependence on Drug Courts Impacts People and Communities
    Nastassia Walsh
    Justice Policy Institute
    March 2011

    America’s growing reliance on drug courts is an ineffective allocation of scarce state resources. Drug courts can needlessly widen the net of criminal justice involvement, and cannot replace the need for improved treatment services in the community. Of the nearly 8 million people in the U.S. reporting needing treatment for drug use, less than one fourth of people classified with substance abuse or a dependence on drugs and/or alcohol receives treatment, and for those who do receive treatment, over 37 percent are referred by the criminal justice system.

    application-pdfDownload the report (PDF)

  • Drug Courts Are Not the Answer

    Toward a Health-Centered Approach to Drug Use
    Drug Policy Alliance
    March 2011

    Drug Courts are Not the Answer finds that drug courts are an ineffective and inappropriate response to drug law violations. Many, all the way up to the Obama administration, consider the continued proliferation of drug courts to be a viable solution to the problem of mass arrests and incarceration of people who use drugs. Yet this report finds that drug courts do not reduce incarceration, do not improve public safety, and do not save money when compared to the wholly punitive model they seek to replace. The report calls for reducing the role of the criminal justice system in responding to drug use by expanding demonstrated health approaches, including harm reduction and drug treatment, and by working toward the removal of criminal penalties for drug use.

    application-pdfDownload the report (PDF)

  • Cuestión de sustancia

    Un enfoque centrado en las sustancias para luchar contra el tráfico de drogas
    Ernestien Jensema
    Serie reforma legislativa en materia de drogas no. 7
    Julio de 2010

    Este informe ofrece una visión de conjunto sobre "el enfoque centrado en las sustancias" que las autoridades holandesas propusieron para aumentar la tasa de interceptación de la cocaína hasta un punto en el que el tráfico no fuera rentable. En lugar de enfocarse en las personas que las transportan, la idea es de incapacitar la ruta de tráfico, en vez de usar la tradicional amenaza de encarcelación como disuasivo.

    application-pdfDescargar el informe (PDF)

  • Imposición de penas por delitos de drogas en Inglaterra y Gales

    Reforma jurídica sin reforma legislativa
    Genevieve Harris
    Serie reforma legislativa en materia de drogas no. 5
    Junio de 2010

    Este informe examina la reciente revisión a la que se ha sometido el mecanismo de imposición de penas por delitos de drogas en Inglaterra y Gales.

    application-pdfDescargar el informe (343 KB)

  • Delitos relacionados con las drogas: condenas y otros resultados

    Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías (OEDT)
    5 de noviembre, 2009

    En este informe se examinan por primera vez las condenas impuestas a los infractores de la legislación sobre drogas en toda la Unión Europea. Mediante un análisis de las estadísticas del último año, este informe intenta responder a la siguiente cuestión: ¿cuál es el resultado más probable cuando alguien ha sido detenido por la policía por un delito contra la legislación sobre droga por posesión para consumo personal, o por suministro o tráfico de la misma?

    application-pdfDescarga el documento (PDF)

  • Towards Effective Sentencing

    House of Commons Justice Committee
    July 2008

    The purpose of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 in the United Kingdom was to provide overall structure and clarity to sentencing in England and Wales by reserving prison for the most dangerous offenders, while moving lower level offenders away from short prison sentences into robust and rehabilitative community punishments.

    application-pdfDownload the document (PDF)

  • La importancia de la cantidad y composición en los delitos relativos a drogas tóxicas, estupefacientes y sustancias psicotrópicas

    Maria Encarnación Mayán Santos
    Noticias Jurídicas
    Septiembre 2007

    Análisis sobre la importancia de la cantidad de drogas tóxicas, estupefacientes y sustancias psicotrópicas en los delitos contra la salud pública, para la aplicación de una condena acorde con el daño producido; y, la diferencia entre el autoconsumo y el tráfico de drogas, sobre la base de convenios internacionales y jurisprudencia.

    Acceso al documento

  • Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Drug Offences

    Why Everyone Loses
    Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
    April 2006

    The use of illegal drugs is often associated with a wide range of health, social and community problems, substantial drug-related crime, and stigma and marginalization of people who use drugs. In response, policy-makers have relied heavily on law enforcement, despite evidence that certain law enforcement practices actually worsen the impact of drug use on individuals and communities, and sometimes lead to human rights violations.

    application-pdfDownload the document (PDF)


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