Se necesita una distinción más sutil para definir las medidas de fiscalización de drogas adecuadas, dependiendo de las características concretas de las sustancias, sus riesgos sanitarios, las dinámicas de sus mercados y sus grupos de consumidores. Las listas de clasificación anexas a las convenciones de la ONU de 1961 y 1971 no ofrecen una diferenciación suficiente para facilitar intervenciones más focalizadas. Catalogar en una misma lista sustancias tan distintas como la coca, la cocaína, el cannabis, el opio y la heroína, ha obstaculizado el desarrollo de respuestas más concretas y eficaces que tengan en cuenta sus diferentes características y los motivos por los que se consumen.
TNI Expert Seminar on the Classification of Controlled Substances
Transnational Institute
December 10, 2009The classification of drugs has a profound impact on the lives and well-being of individuals across the world and where the classification is incorrect, people suffer unnecessarily. This is an issue that deserves greater public awareness and greater engagement with citizenry and that where such public awareness is in place it should be galvanised in order to work towards a new democratic answer to this difficult situation.
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Estimating drug harms: a risky business?
David NuttCentre for Crime and Justice Studies Briefing 10
October 2009No one is suggesting that drugs are not harmful. The critical question is one of scale and degree. We need a full and open discussion of the evidence and a mature debate about what the drug laws are for - and whether they doing their job? In `Estimating drug harms: a risky business', Professor David Nutt, of Imperial College London argues that the relative harms of legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are greater than those of a number of illegal drugs, including cannabis, LSD and ecstasy.
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Risk assessment of new psychoactive substances
Operating guidelines
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
2009The principal aim of these guidelines is to put in place a sound methodological and procedural basis for carrying out each risk assessment. The risk assessment has regard to the health and social risks of the use of, manufacture of, and traffic in the new psychoactive substance, the involvement of organised crime and the possible consequences of control measures. The guidelines were finalised and adopted by the EMCDDA’s Scientific Committee in November 2008.
Cannabis: Classification and Public Health
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
April 2008The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs reviewed the classification of cannabis in the light of real public concern about the potential mental health effects of cannabis use and, in particular, the use of stronger strains of the drug.
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MDMA (‘ecstasy’)
A review of its harms and classification under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
February 2008Due to its prevalence of use, MDMA is a significant public health issue. The Council believes that criminal justice measures will only have limited effect and strongly advises the promulgation of public health messages. It is of vital importance that issues of classification do not detract from messages concerning public health.
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Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse
David Nutt, Leslie A King, William Saulsbury & Colin BlakemoreThe Lancet Vol 369
March 24, 2007Drug misuse and abuse are major health problems. Harmful drugs are regulated according to classification systems that purport to relate to the harms and risks of each drug. However, the methodology and processes underlying classification systems are generally neither specified nor transparent, which reduces confidence in their accuracy and undermines health education messages.
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Review of the UK’s Drugs Classification System
A Public Consultation
Crime and Drug Strategy DirectorateHome Office
May 2006The UK system of classifying drugs according to their harmfulness has been in place since the introduction of the Misuse of Drugs Act in 1971. Over the past 35 years patterns of drug use have changed quite significantly, and recent debates about the classification of certain drugs, especially cannabis, have led to questions about the clarity of the current system and whether it remains fit for purpose.
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[Note (July 2010): This is a draft of a consultation paper which was not, in fact, approved for publication in 2006. The draft is being released under Freedom of Information legislation.]
The global political economy of scheduling
The international–historical context of the Controlled Substances Act
William B. McAllisterDrug and Alcohol Dependence 76
2004This article explains the international context of regulation to control addicting substances that gave rise to schedules. It discusses the impact of scheduling decisions on subsequent national drug control legislation and international drug control negotiations, highlighting how the creation of schedules introduced new incentives and rewards into calculations about the national/international commerce in drugs.
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Development of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971
István Bayer
Unpublished document 1989The 196l Single Convention did not include so-called "psychotropic substances" such as amphetamines and barbiturates among the drugs controlled. The discussions on the scope of control were focused on plant-based drugs, such as cannabis, poppy cultivation, poppy straw, coca bush and coca leaves This document describes the development of an international instrument for the control of psychotropic substances.
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