idpc-logoThe legal status of cannabis for personal use is one of the most controversial policy issues in the European Union. Although cannabis is a classified narcotic drug placed under control by the United Nations and by all EU Member States, the measures adopted to control it at national level vary considerably, as shown in the table, click here to access the information country by country.

tni seaWe are calling for applications from those working in sectors related to drug policy in order to increase their understanding of international drug policy reform issues, to improve their advocacy skills, and to enhance their capacity in working with the media on drug policy.

See all the details on how to apply here | Application Form

Eligible countries: The Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Cambodia.

logo_large_uxwiowJune 26 is the United Nations' International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Activists across the world gathering under the banner "Support, Don't Punish: Global Day of Action" will take the streets to protest against policies that have led to mass incarceration, the exacerbation of health crises, and the prospering of violent criminal drug trafficking organizations. The campaign "Support, Don't Punish" calls for a more effective and humane approach to the drug issue, one based on public health, harm reduction, and human rights.

bouncingback coverTNI's indepth examination of the illegal drug market in the Golden Triangle, which has a witnessed a doubling of opium production, growing prison populations and repression of small-scale farmers. This report details the failure of ASEAN's 'drug free' strategy and the need for a new approach.

Le Parlement à Rabat étude une proposition de loi légalisant la culture du cannabis. Proposition de loi portée par le Parti authenticité et modernité (PAM, proche du Palais royal) et la Coalition marocaine pour l’utilisation du cannabis à des fins médicinales et industrielles. Le texte en question propose entre autres la dépénalisation de la détention, de la production et du façonnement du cannabis pour usage médical. Selon l’hebdomadaire La Vie économique, même les islamistes du PJD (au pouvoir) ont été approché et auraient accueilli favorablement ce projet inédit.

The U.S. Justice Department’s new guidance on federal marijuana enforcement priorities clears the way for Colorado and Washington state to pursue the legalized, regulatory approaches to marijuana that voters approved by wide margins in November 2012 ballot initiatives. This is a welcome step that provides an enormous opportunity for learning about how to improve our drug policies, according to the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).



Amira Armenta (Colombia/Netherlands) has a degree in Latin American history from the Université de Jussieu (Paris).