Acquittal in Spanish coca leaf legal case
The legal victory in a small Spanish city is a great step for the legitimacy of the use of coca leaf, an ancestral practice that today has been recognized by a Spanish court
ICEERS & Transnational Institute (TNI)
Thursday, March 23, 2017
READ MORE...BARCELONA - Yesterday the unprecedented resolution of a court case for the importation of coca leaf powder (also known as mambe) took place at the Provincial Court of Girona. F.T., a Colombian citizen living in Spain, was acquitted of charges of drug trafficking following the presentation of evidence and arguments about the historical, cultural, social and medicinal value of coca leaves.
Joint statement
On the implementation of the Peace Agreement in the territories with coca, poppy and marijuana crops in Colombia
Dejusticia (Colombia), Transnational Institute, Washington Office on Latin America & OCDI-INDEPAZ
March 13, 2017Exactly one year ago, in the 59th session of the CND, the Colombian government urged the international community to openly debate the results obtained during the 50 years of the war on drugs (in the context of the UNGASS discussions). Colombia highlighted the need to better the understanding and attention to the socioeconomic factors underlying the cultivation of coca, poppy and/or cannabis, such that goals to reduce crops would not be taken without considering these structural conditions.
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The signatory organizations call upon the Colombian Government and FARC-EP to respect producer communities, to address their concerns, and to build with them a spirit of trust and consultation, in order to guarantee that this implementation phase advances the well being of all communities.
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New Report Offers Strategies for Regulating Cannabis in Ways that Uphold and Modernize International Law
Stance of ‘Principled Non-Compliance’ with Antiquated UN Drug Treaty Provisions Would Open Door to Needed Reforms
Thursday, June 16, 2016
READ MORE...As an increasing number of jurisdictions consider whether and how to legalize and regulate access to cannabis, tensions are growing between these initiatives and countries’ obligations under the UN drug control conventions. A groundbreaking new report produced by a coalition of legal and drug policy experts offers strategies for countries exploring regulatory approaches to cannabis to do so in ways that ensure that their domestic reforms align with their international legal obligations.
New report: UN stuck in denial over cannabis regulation
While the global drug control regime reaches moment of truth
Press release by TNI/GDPO
Swansea/Amsterdam, Tuesday, March 11, 2014
READ MORE...The current trend towards legal regulation of the cannabis market has become irreversible and requires an urgent dialogue by UN member states on the best models for protecting people’s health and safety, argues a new report. The question facing the international community today is no longer whether there is a need to revise the UN drug control system, but rather when and how to do it.
Time for UN to open up dialogue on drug policy reform and end counter-productive blame-game
Press release by TNI/GDPO
Tuesday, March 4, 2014As the UN International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) launches its annual report on Tuesday, 4 March, amidst an unprecedented crisis in the international drug control regime, leading drug policy reform experts have called on the INCB and related UN institutions to urgently open up a constructive dialogue on international drug policy reform.
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Uruguay’s pioneering cannabis regulation marks the tipping point in the failed war on drugs
Press release by TNI
Tuesday, December 10, 2013Uruguay’s senate voted today (10 December) to approve the world’s first national legal framework regulating the cultivation, trade and consumption of cannabis for medical, industrial as well as recreational purposes. The historical vote is expected to inspire and spread cannabis reform initiatives around the world and to have a major impact on upcoming UN-level drug policy evaluations.
Download the press release (PDF)
Uruguay establishes the basis for a new paradigm in drug policy
Open Letter
The signatory organisations below wish to congratulate the Uruguayan Deputies and Senators that have voted in favour of the law regulating marijuana, and the organisations that have been pushing for drug policy reform for years.Cannabis regulation is a positive step to try and tackle drug-related violence in our countries.
Download the open letter (PDF)
Open letter to Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas
Fourth Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas (MISPA IV)
Medellin (Colombia)
November 21 and 22, 2013We, the undersigned human rights organizations, address you on this Fourth Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security (MISPA) to follow up on the call upon governments to revise the orientation of drug policies that are being implemented in the Americas. This request for the governments took place during the 43rd Session of the OAS General Assembly which took place last June.
Read the letter (PDF) and see the signatories
Uruguay steps forward with Marijuana legalisation vote
The vote by Uruguay’s House of Representatives to legalize and regulate the country’s marijuana market represents a major step forward for the landmark reform effort
Press release by TNI and WOLA
Thursday, August 1, 2013
READ MORE...The bill will now be taken up in Uruguay’s Senate—where the governing Frente Amplio coalition also holds a majority—and could soon arrive on the desk of President José Mujica, who has supported the proposal since its introduction in 2012.
Colombian President Santos, OAS Chief Insulza to present new study on drug policy alternatives
Review was mandated by heads of state at 2012 Summit of the Americas
Media Advisory
Monday, May 13, 2013
READ MORE...This Friday, May 17, in Bogotá, Colombia, Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary General José Miguel Insulza will present Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos with the outcomes of the hemispheric drug policy review that was mandated by the heads of state at the 2012 Summit of the Americas in Cartagena.
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