Items tagged with cannabis and environment

Item title Description
Global resonance of Malta's drug policy reform highlighted at thematic round table [14.07.2023] The not-for-profit model adopted by Malta for drug policy reform is resonating across other countries. The emphasis on a harm reduction approach, inc ...
Au Maroc, la « beldiya » tente de résister aux variétés de cannabis importées [05.05.2023] Depuis sa maison de Ketama, à 1 700 mètres d’altitude, Abdellatif Adebibe surplombe la vallée où les embruns d’iode venus de la Méditerranée se mêlen ...
Environmental justice, up in smoke [06.04.2023] There is ample evidence that irresponsible outdoor cultivation can also be environmentally destructive, leading some to argue that indoor cultivation ...
Cannabis and Climate [20.10.2022] Environmental impacts are rarely taken into account in the cannabis regulation debate. The assumption is that legal regulation would automatically re ...
The reality of legal weed in California: Huge illegal grows, violence, worker exploitation and deaths [08.09.2022] Proposition 64, California’s 2016 landmark cannabis initiative, sold voters on the promise a legal market would cripple the drug’s outlaw trade, with ...
Prohibited Plants [18.08.2022] Across the world, the state of environmental stress is unprecedented. As scholarship and activism on ‘environmental justice’ points out, poorer and m ...
In defense of the plug: Buying illicit cannabis may be “better” than legal weed, research shows [30.04.2022] Excoriated by some policymakers and by the legal cannabis industry as an unfair competitor and as a demonstration that legalization isn’t working, th ...
The UK countryside is ablaze with hemp farms. But how do they help the climate? [11.11.2021] Despite the lack of state support, more and more farmers in the UK are turning to hemp production for its economic and environmental benefits. It's l ...
Why is growing pot so energy-intensive? [09.06.2021] Rolling Stone dubs weed a “climate villain,” as cannabis sold in any state where it’s legal must be grown in-state. Because not every state boasts th ...
A Sustainable Future for Cannabis Farmers [16.04.2021] Learn how lessening the barriers for small farmers while raising them for large companies can help to steer legal cannabis markets in a more sustaina ...
A founding father of legal pot in Colorado reveals regrets [09.04.2021] I helped write Amendment 64, litigated numerous cases before and after 64 to make it a reality, and also helped design implementing regulations at th ...
La culture légale du cannabis, une opportunité écologique [28.03.2021] “L’augmentation rapide de la culture illicite de cannabis dans le Rif au cours des dernières décennies, ainsi que les mauvaises pratiques de conserva ...
Culture du cannabis : Quel impact sur la biodiversité et les ressources ? [26.03.2021] L'impact de la culture du cannabis sur la biodiversité et les ressources a été au centre d'un webinaire organisé à l'initiative de l'Alliance marocai ...
To make cannabis green, we need to grow it outdoors [10.03.2021] Cannabis may look green, but the environmental metaphor mostly stops there. Virginia—the latest state to approach full legalization—and the 46 others ...
Colorado's legal cannabis farms emit more carbon than its coal mines [08.03.2021] Legal cannabis production in Colorado emits more greenhouse gases than the state’s coal mining industry, researchers analysing the sector’s energy us ...
California outdoor marijuana cultivators to designate products by growing region [15.10.2020] California’s marijuana market is borrowing a page from the state’s world-famous wine industry thanks to a new law intended to help outdoor cannabis g ...
Cannabis Regulation and Development [09.09.2020] Significant policy shifts have led to an unprecedented boom in medical cannabis markets, while a growing number of countries are moving towards the l ...
La légalisation du cannabis, un levier de développement ? [23.07.2020] Et si le nouveau modèle de développement intégrait la légalisation du cannabis ? Ce jeudi 23 juillet, la CSMD a organisé un atelier de travail avec d ...
UN Common Position on drug policy [01.12.2019] In November 2018, the UN System CEB adopted the ‘UN system common position supporting the implementation of the international drug control policy thr ...
Through all the smoke, the cannabis industry needs to develop a bigger vision [10.05.2019] The cannabis industry can build a better and regenerative culture, rather than falling into the same old tired and destructive human and corporate pa ...
Fair(er) Trade Options for the Cannabis Market [21.03.2019] Policy changes over the past five years or so have dramatically reshaped the global cannabis market. Not only has there been an unprecedented boom in ...
Cannabis farms cover 500 square kilometers of Northern Morocco [18.01.2019] Between 47,000 and 50,000 hectares, mainly in the Rif region, are planted with cannabis in Morocco, the National Narcotics Commission (CNS) said. Moh ...
Why the future of marijuana farming could be craft weed [21.11.2018] There are plenty of predictions about how cannabis farming is poised to go corporate, but Big Marijuana is not inevitable, says Ryan Stoa, a professo ...
Connecting the dots... [26.10.2018] How can we resolve the tensions between current drug control policies and states’ human rights obligations? The international human rights framework ...
Maroc : Le kif, une drogue néfaste pour l’environnement rifain [17.06.2018] Dans un article fouillé, EFE est récemment partie à la rencontre d’acteurs associatifs locaux du Rif, qui alertent sur les dangers environnementaux d ...
Legal marijuana is almost here. If only pot farmers were on board [09.09.2017] More than nine months after California voted to legalize recreational marijuana, only a small share of the tens of thousands of cannabis farmers in N ...
Morocco and Cannabis [10.03.2017] This policy briefing discusses whether or not the aim of reducing cannabis cultivation is realistic or beneficial for Morocco, what it would actually ...
Indoor pot production leaves giant carbon footprint [11.05.2013] Done mostly indoors in Washington, pot production often uses hospital-intensity lamps, air conditioning, dehumidifiers, fans and carbon-dioxide gener ...