Items tagged with medical cannabis and brazil

Item title Description
Reputation, revenue at stake as Brazil weighs legalization of cannabis cultivation [18.09.2020] Brazil has fast-tracked a draft law that would legalize the cultivation of medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp. South America’s largest economy le ...
Bill proposes the cultivation of medical cannabis and industrial hemp in Brazil [19.08.2020] The cannabis sector is heating up for a big start in Brazil. Deputy Paulo Teixeira (PT-SP) handed over the proposed law 399/2015, which legalizes the ...
Individual imports of cannabis continue to grow in Brazil [05.08.2020] The cumulative number of authorizations for individual patients in Brazil to import nonregistered medical cannabis products reached 18,650 at the end ...
Brazil's health regulatory agency approves sale of first marijuana-based product [23.04.2020] Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) approved the registration of the first cannabis-based product in the country. Cannabidiol oil m ...
Brazilian court decision could encourage other cannabis companies to seek approval for cultivation [06.12.2019] After Brazil’s health authority shelved a proposal on domestic cannabis cultivation, a court decided in the opposite direction, allowing – for the fi ...
Brazil approves cannabis-based products sold in pharmacies [04.12.2019] Brazil’s national health agency (ANVISA) approved new rules for the registration of cannabis-based products for medicinal purposes in the country, au ...
Medicinal cannabis policies and practices around the world [24.04.2018] Although cannabis remains a prohibited substance worldwide, in recent decades a series of political, legislative and judicial processes in various pa ...
Cannabis in Latin America and the Caribbean [15.09.2016] Cannabis (or marihuana) is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. According to the United Nations World Drug Report, 1 ...
Brazil discusses medical cannabis at international symposium [17.07.2014] The IV Symposium on Medicinal Cannabis in Brazil focused on patients who need treatment via medicinal cannabis and its components. Today, these patie ...
Cannabis to substitute crack [22.04.2013] The mayor of Bogota has recently proposed a pilot scheme with crack cocaine addicts to explore the substitution of crack made of cocaine base paste ( ...
Therapeutic Use of Cannabis by Crack Addicts in Brazil [01.10.1999] This study ensued from clinical observations based on spontaneous accounts by crack abusers undergoing their first psychiatric assessment, where they ...