Items tagged with france and medical cannabis

Item title Description
French political left light up an enormous parliamentary doobie [16.01.2022] French MPs discussed a bill this week to legalise the consumption of cannabis. Proposed by the hard-left France Unbowed party (LFI), it is not expect ...
France launches public consultation on legalising cannabis [17.01.2021] France is Europe’s biggest cannabis consumer, despite having some of the continent’s toughest laws against the drug. In response to this failure of t ...
French cannabis legalization debate ignores race, religion and the mass incarceration of Muslims [07.08.2019] Last summer in France, dozens of “CBD cafés” suddenly opened across the country. Exploiting a legal loophole originally created for hemp farmers, the ...
France to launch medical cannabis experiment in coming weeks [02.06.2019] As a nearly unanimous French Senate gave medical marijuana the green light, France will start experimenting the use of medical marijuana for “about t ...
Neighbours smell trouble from legal cannabis in Luxembourg [03.05.2019] Luxembourg is likely to run into trouble with its neighbours if it sticks by its plan to legalise cannabis - a policy that remains unthinkable partic ...
French study recommends legalising therapeutic cannabis [14.12.2018] A scientific committee convened by the French government has concluded that it might be “appropriate” to legalise cannabis for therapeutic use in a r ...
Huit Français sur dix favorables au cannabis thérapeutique [11.06.2018] Pour ou contre ? Le sujet est complexe, mais les Français sont unanimes : selon une étude IFOP pour Terra Nova et Echo citoyen publiée lundi 11 juin, ...
Medicinal cannabis policies and practices around the world [24.04.2018] Although cannabis remains a prohibited substance worldwide, in recent decades a series of political, legislative and judicial processes in various pa ...
KanaVape: Cannabis e-cigarette to go on sale in the UK [16.12.2014] The vaping trend seemingly knows no bounds as the first “cannabis” e-cigarette goes on sale in the UK. The KanaVape, which contains hemp, has been le ...
French court rejects sick man's cannabis plea [12.03.2013] A French man suffering from a muscular disease since childhood had his request to be given the right to use cannabis for medicinal reasons rejected b ...