Swiss cannabis entrepreneurs develop craving for low-potency pot
It started gradually last year, and then suddenly things went crazy in December 2016 and in 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Entrepreneurs have high hopes for cannabis in Switzerland, where business has suddenly taken off in recent months, six years after the country legalized low-potency "marijuana-light". Switzerland changed its laws in 2011 to let adults buy and use cannabis with up to 1 percent THC, the chemical compound that produces a high. But its money-making potential seems only to have been discovered late last year, officials said. "The number of retailers registered to sell low-THC cannabis has risen to 140 from just a handful last year, " said a spokesman for Switzerland's Customs Agency in Berne, which taxes the trade. (See also: Le cannabis débarque dans les kiosques et fait un tabac)